We went for a trip to the puente de las americas. The main bridge over the canal. Not really a tourist spot, but it gives good views of the canal so we went to take photos. Turned into a real hastle. Buses aren't allowed to stop anywhere near the bridge because its the trans american highway and not just some city street. After asking around we found one bus driver who would drop us off, but then we had to manage our own way back. We walked out along the bridge as far as we could ignoring the honks and warnings from passing vehicles (ayudantes were hanging out of the buses waving (I assumed warning us to turn back), but eventually the "walking" path we were on ended completely and there would have been nothing between us and the interamericana. Took our photos and turned back.

Eventually a hotel van full of tourists stopped at the lookout point and were negotiated a ride back. The driver wanted $10 a piece to take us back to city center where we could hop a bus. We talked him down to $1 but only for a ride right to the other side of the bridge (interamericana highway). Sure enough he dropped us off right on the side of the highway. No sidewalk, mayber 2-3 feet of shoulder and a busy highway next to us. He didn't even wait for an exit. What a dick. We walked a ways, found an exit and walked some more. Found a fallen coconut and then a random machete on the side of the road. So we did what anyone would do when they find both a coconut and a machete on the side of the the road. We chopped open the coconut and drank some (it was
not good). Got stopped by a cop who told us we were going to get robbed walking around that neighborhood like that. He flagged down some empty bus and told the driver to take us to the main bus terminal. 20 minutes later and one free bus ride, we were there.
Not smoothly done, but at least we made it to the bridge and got our photos. Good day!
I just wrote a long and very witty comment which I lost cut my phone is dumb. Ill paraphrase.
ReplyDeleteWho is we? And who is the girl in the photo?
I heard you extended your leave from work. Maybe ill get a chance to go down there now. Things are pretty hectic what with the house and grandma right now. Merry christmas bro.